MGS3: Snake EaterMetal GearMG2: Solid SnakeMetal Gear SolidMGS2: Sons of LibertyMGS4: Guns of the Patriots
General Forum Rules

1. There is no flaming allowed on the boards. If you have a problem with a user and think they did something wrong, please PM a moderator and inform them of this.

2. There is no pornographic material allowed on the boards. There should be absolutely no nudity in any images posted, or websites linked on the forum.

3. Posting of, or begging for links of types of illegal downloads ( ROMs, MP3s, "warez", illegal torrents ) is forbidden. MGS: TUS does not support any illegal activities and will take necessary actions to stop them. We understand that some media on our site might not be legal, so don't use that as an excuse to post illegal downloads.

4. Don't post anything that can be considered offensive to the users. This includes things like Tubgirl and other filth of the Internet. If something is allowed by forum regulations, yet it might be considered offensive by some users, place a warning before you post. If you are not sure if you should post something or not, just PM what you want to post to a mod asking if it's alright.

5. Racist remarks will not be tolerated on the boards. This includes calling a particular race names, even if it is not aimed at any of the members. We do not ban these words, and you can say them, just don't go use them too often.

6. No useless posts. If you don't have anything more than a smiley or one word to add to the topic, don't post. Posting things that are not related to the topic at hand is also not allowed. Don't just post for the sake of posting, and absolutely don't double post. If you want to add something to the thread after you already posted in it, please use the Edit button. Also, don't bump a topic unless you have something to add to the discussion.

7. Don't post any topics that are directed at a forum member. If you want to talk with a member about something, please use the Private Messaging system, or an IM program.

8. Make sure that image(s) in your signature is not larger than 550 pixels in width, and 200 pixels in height. If you have more than one picture stacked on top of each other we will add the height of the two pictures together. We act like it is one big picture in your signature. The reason behind this is for people using a loophole in the rules saying that their pictures are not over the limit, but in total have around 350 pixel tall sigs. We don't need a page to be 70% signatures and 30% post. Also, the limit for avatars is 130 pixels in width, and 130 pixels in height. However, there are MGA cards that are 130 by 170, they are the only allowance to break the avatar limit.

For lazy people who don't want to read a block of text:

Signature limit: 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

Avatar limit: 130 pixels wide and 170 pixels tall.

9. Don't make any threads to advertise another site. You are allowed to have a link to your site in your signature, but trying to get members to join or visit your website by sending spam through PMs will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban from the forums.

10. No excessive cussing is allowed. Even though cussing is allowed on the boards, doing it too much will result in a warning.

11. If you have problems with a member on the forums, don't make a thread about it. PM a moderator about it, so they can decide what to do.

12. This goes the same about seeing a rule being broken on TUS. Don't post a message saying they broke a rule, PM a mod instead. Let them choose if it is breaking the rules or not. You will be warned if you post a message about a broken rule and it derails a topic.

13. NO ALT ACCOUNTS! If we find an alt account, it will be banned and you will be given a punishment from a warning to an perm ban depending on the seriousness of the offense.

Board Specific Rules

Site Feedback
Please don't post any threads that simply mention how good the site looks. They only take up space.

Meet the Parents
When creating your topic, please put more than just one sentence.

General Metal Gear Discussion:
Post gameplay questions in the gameplay topic.

Metal Gear Solid
Post gameplay questions in the gameplay topic.

MGS2: Sons of Liberty
Post gameplay questions in the gameplay topic.

MGS3: Snake Eater
Post gameplay questions in the gameplay topic.

MGS4: Guns of the Patriots
Do not post anything from a leaked document without properly having a spoiler warning before it. When posting ANY spoiler, make a quote around the spoiler and change the color into the color named Spoiler. That way, it will be invisible, unless you highlight it. Also, remember to leave the spoiler out of the topic title.

Metal Gear Online
No special rules.

Game Over
Even though it is an off-topic board, no spam is allowed. If you keep posting spam topics, it can and probably will get you banned from the forums. Make sure that the topic is discussable before posting it.

Multimedia Discussion
No special rules.

- Don't make a new topic just to show off your new signature or avatar. There are two threads for this, namely the Rate My Sig Thread and the Rate My Avatar Thread.
- If we like a certain wallpaper or fan created item posted here, it will be hosted on the main site, with the creator's permission.
- If there's an artwork posted by a member that you like, and you want to use it for something ( a sig, avatar, or anything of the like ), first ask the creator's permission to use it.

Rule Enforcement

At TUS we have a 3 warning system. You get warnings for breaking forum rules. When you get a warning, the person who is giving you the warning will leave a message in your post explaining what you were warned for, and you will be PMed about it. A warning lasts 1 month, and if you get 3 warnings within one month, you will get a 3 day temp ban.

If you create a new account to dodge a temp ban, you will be permanently banned.

A temp ban will be wiped from your record after 3 months of no warnings. If you have a temp ban on your record, you will not be able to receive a warning and not be banned unless you have 0 warnings on record. A user with a temp ban on record will be allowed to have only 2 active warnings without being punished again.

While this punishment may seem harsh, you will not get banned for having a big image in your signature. The most you will get for this is a PM from a moderator telling you to remove or change the image. But doing something like repeated spamming will get you temporarily banned.

However, breaking the major rules, like posting explicit porn on the boards, will get you permanently banned immediately. The moderators will be using their own judgment to decide what's necessary, so use your common sense and breaking a rule now and then will not mean a great deal. Only constant rule breakers will be penalized with banning. The moderators will edit the post you broke a rule in and leave a comment to tell you what you did wrong.

Repeatedly breaking the rules will get you a PM warning you to stop. If you get three of these PMs will result in a temporary ban.

Remember that the moderators can decide when and when not a post is breaking these rules and they decide what happens. Ignorance of the rules is not a valid excuse for breaking them. We do not have to explain ourselves for every moderation we do.

If you feel like you are being treated unfairly by a moderator, or you want to complain about something on the forums, PM one of the administrators. The forum admin will most likely respond to it faster.

About the Bar Ranks
Ranks are assigned to postcount amounts. When you reach a certain amount of posts on the forum, your rank will increase accordingly and an additional bar will be lit up on your personal rankbar.

About requesting to become an Important Figure.
Any requests to become Admin or Mod will be ignored.
However, if you wish to be staff of the site, and write for us, write to us at

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